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Evolutionary anthropology team

The Evolutionary anthropology team is dedicated to studying the diversity of human behaviours, and those observed in non-human primates, in the context of their evolutionary history. We investigate questions related to health, sociality, local adaptations, language, reproduction and sexual preferences using an evolutionary ecology theoretical framework. Several approaches (long-term field studies, modelling, experimental projects) and various types of data (demographic, immune, genetic, behavioural, social networks, hormonal) are used to answer questions about the emergence and maintenance of traits, be it cultural or biological. Our members are currently involved in a number of collaborative projects (Mandrillus Project, Tsaobis Baboon Project, Menstrual Messages Project, Ethiopian Life History Project, Khasi Health Project, RiskAdapt Project), with the aim to produce novel insights on the evolution and ecology of behaviour in humans and other primates.

Coordination :

Les membres

Alexandra Alvergne


Alice Baniel

Junior researcher

Mélissa Barkat-Defradas


Claire Berticat

Advanced research assistant IR

Marie Charpentier

Senior researcher

Eve Davidian

Postdoctoral fellow

Serge Ely Dibakou

Postdoctoral fellow

Louise Ducroix

PhD student

Valérie Durand

Research assistant AI

Charlotte Faurie


Bernard Godelle


Élise Huchard


Tal Kleinhause-Gedalyahou Goldman

PhD student

Loia Lamarque

PhD student

Michel Raymond

Senior researcher

Berta Roura Torres

PhD student