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Alexandra Alvergne


Membre de :

My activity

My research focuses on understanding the relationship between reproduction and health in contemporary human populations. Most recently, I have been working on contraceptive dynamics using ecological and cultural evolution approaches.
My group seek to understand the role of the environment, be it social, cultural or pathogenic, in shaping diversity in reproductive traits for understanding patterns of variation in health outcomes.
The questions currently under study in my group are:
• Why do women discontinue modern contraception whilst in need of contraceptives?
• What is the impact of infection on menstrual health?
• What are the ecological factors underpinning diversity in age at menopause?
• What is the impact of reproduction on ageing?
To answer those questions, we use various types of data (demographic, physiological, relational, behavioural) from constrasted populations (the UK, India, Ethiopia and France) to evaluate both the specificity and universality of the processes under study.

Keywords :

Evolutionary Public Health – Contraceptive dynamics – Human Reproduction – Female Health – Cultural Evolution

Responsabilities :

– Coordinator of the “Evolutionary anthropology” team at ISEM
– Associate Editor for the journal Evolutionary Human Sciences