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Un article de Walter Finsinger (DEEP)
Change? What Change? Putting rates of palaeoecological change into context can inform ecosystem restoration
Biogeosciences, avril 2024


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un article de Nelly Godefroy (BEM)
A comparative ultrastructure study of the tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus in the hydrated state, after desiccation and during the process of rehydration
PLOS ONE, Juin 2024


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un article de Andrew Helmstetter
David versus Goliath: Early career researchers in an unethical publishing system
Ecology Letters, March 2024


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un article de Nicolas Bierne (BEM)
Citizen science approach for genetic species identification in a local French seafood speciality
International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, March 2024


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un article de Alexandre Assemat (PAL)
Shape diversity in conodont elements, a quantitative study using 3D topography


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un article de Julien Claude (MaD)
Paléontologie des vertébrés dans le Miocène et le Pléistocène continental en Thaïlande du Nord-Est


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Sophie Charrasse (EVAS)
Quantitative assessment of mitochondrial morphology relevant for studies on cellular health and environmental toxicity
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, Nov. 2023


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un article de Marine Combe (AQUABIOS)
What about Current Diversity of Mycolactone-Producing-Mycobacteria? Implication for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Buruli ulcer
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Sept. 2023


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un article de Romain Weppe (PAL)
Les moteurs du renouvellement des mammifères artiodactyles en Europe occidentale insulaire à la transition éocène-oligocène


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un article de Brian Chase (EnEx)
Paleolakes and socioecological implications of glacial “greening” of the South African interior
PNAS, Mai 2023


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un article de Ophélie Ronce (EvoDemo)
Antagonistic Effects of Assortative Mating on the Evolution of Phenotypic Plasticity along Environmental Gradients
The American Naturalist, July 2023


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un article de Charlotte Faurie (AE)
The effect of the 7R allele at the DRD4 locus on risk tolerance is independent of background risk in Senegalese fishermen
Scientific Reports, Jan. 2023


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un article de Sébastien Puechmaille (PEM)
Robust evidence for bats as reservoir hosts is lacking in most African virus studies: a review and call to optimize sampling and conserve bats
Biology Letters, Nov. 2023


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un article de Benoît Pichon (BioDICée)
Quality matters: Stoichiometry of resources modulates spatial feedbacks in aquatic‐terrestrial meta‐ecosystems
Ecology Letters, Juil. 2023


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un article de Elodie Pepey (AQUABIOS)
Cytogenotoxicity Screening of Urban and Rural Marshes: An Integrated In Vivo Approach Coupling Fish and Plant‐Based Tests Adapted for Low‐Income Countries
SETAC, Mars 2023


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un article de Emmanuel Paradis (MaD)
Population density and genetic diversity are positively correlated in wild felids globally
Wiley juil. 2023


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un article de Tracy Burkhard (S&S)
Patterns of repeatability and heritability in the songs of wild Alston’s singing mice, Scotinomys teguina
Animal Behaviour, juin 2023


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un article de Mary Robles (DEEP)
Climate changes during the Late Glacial in southern Europe: new insights based on pollen and brGDGTs of Lake Matese in Italy Climate of the Past, Fev. 2023


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un article de Charlotte Faurie (AE)
Sibling competition, dispersal and fitness outcomes in humans
Sci Rep, May 2023


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un article de Eliette Reboud (PEM)
Genomics, population divergence and historical demography of the world’s largest and endangered butterfly, the Queen Alexandra’s birdwing
GBE, Mars 2023

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