Home > Research > Technical services & facilities > EXAAQT (Aquatic Animal Experimentation) mutualised facility

EXAAQT (Aquatic Animal Experimentation) mutualised facility

The EXAAQT facility is a technical platform dedicated to animal experimentation on aquatic animals, located in the basement of building 24 on the Triolet campus of the University of Montpellier. It is shared between three research units (ISEM, IHPE, MARBEC) and aims to accommodate researchers/projects for the realization of short and medium-term experiments (i.e. a few days to a few months maximum) on aquatic animal species (i) entering within the framework of the regulations on animal experimentation and requiring a structure having an authorization of establishment using animals for experimental purposes or (ii) requiring specific experimental facilities (use of contaminants: pathogens and/or pollutants, behavioural analyses).
The proximity of the EXAAQT facility to other facilities of the Triolet campus (microscopy, flow cytometry, high throughput qPCR) is particularly favourable to the study of organisms at individual and sub-individual scales: molecular, cellular, physiological and behavioural processes.
The EXAAQT facility makes available to users, based on projects validated by the executive committee, rooms equipped with specific equipment under the rules of health and safety, animal welfare and the standards in force in the framework of regulations on animal experimentation and APAFIS authorization requests.


Marc Canonne

Research assistant IE


Christophe Cochet


Mélanie Debiais-Thibaud


Émilie Le Goff

Research assistant IE