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Degraded DNA facility

Studies focused on biodiversity often require destructive and/or invasive genetic sampling. This is a paradox between the sacrifice of a few specimens and the protection of endangered species. New approaches are now being considered to limit our impact on wild populations: the use of non-invasive samples (hair, faeces, environmental DNA, etc.) and museum or herbarium collections. These collections provide sometimes access to populations/species currently living in inaccessible areas or extinct.
DNA extracted from these non-invasive samples or old collections often appears damaged, and can be contaminated by exogenous DNA. It is, therefore, crucial to work under strict conditions (dedicated rooms and facilities, extraction and amplification reproducibility, etc.). Our platform allows the extraction of damaged DNA with the scientific rigour required to produce reliable results (physically separated pre- and post-PCR laboratories; rooms and facilities strictly dedicated to pre-PCR steps).

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This facility is a mutualised facility of the LabEx CeMEB. It is available to all LabEx research departments, as well as to external academic or private laboratories.


Fabienne Justy

Research assistant AI

Christelle Tougard
