HomeISEM member > Louise Ducroix

Louise Ducroix

PhD student
Max-Planck Institute of Animal Behavior

Membre de :

My activity

I am a behavioural ecologist with a focus on sexual selection, reproductive strategies, and sexual signalling in primates. The fascinating behaviour of primates and their significance in understanding our own evolutionary history is of great importance. The focus of my research revolves around investigating the interplay between health, reproduction, and behavior in habituated free-ranging female mandrills within their natural environment at Lékédi Park, Gabon (Mandrillus Project)
Throughout my PhD, I aim to examine the causes and consequences of variability in menstrual cycles on the reproductive and sexual functioning of female mandrills. The three main objectives are:
1) Describe patterns in ovarian cycles to investigate potential variations in cycle parameters both between and within females.
2) Determine the underlying mechanisms responsible for variations in ovarian cycles and explore whether socio-ecological factors influence ovarian function.
3) Explore the impact of cycle variations on female reproductive success at different levels and assess whether ovarian function is regulated to optimize current and future reproductive investments.
To achieve these goals, we will collect behavioral data and non-invasive biological samples in the field. In the laboratory, we will conduct parasitology and endocrinology analyses.


Keywords :

Behavioural Ecology – Reproductive Ecology – Menstrual cycle – Female mandrills – Endocrinology

Directeur·ice(s) de thèse :

Meg Crofoot (Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Konstanz, Germany)