AFD-European Union project
Domenico Caruso (PI), Hatcheries development & research for ecological intensification system (EISACAM), 2022-2023
ANR project
Laurent Bremond (PI), Early human colonization of Madagascar and its long term impact on the landscapes (Madeogen), 2022-2026
ANR project
Elise Huchard (PI), The evolution of social hierarchies in mammals (DESPOT), 2022-2025
ANR project
Odile Peyron (co-I), Autumnal lambing in the Mediterranean area: the history of complex interactions between biology, paleoenvironments and technical systems (AUTUMN LAMBS), 2022-2026
ANR project
Maeva Orliac (PI), European eNdemic mammaLIan diVErsity dyNamics in the Eocene- Oligocene transition environmental change context (ENLIVEN), 2022-2026
ANR project
Ophélie Ronce (PI), Assessing the need, effectiveness, risks and ethical implications of manipulating gene flow to improve adaptation to climate change for long-lived plants (FloRES), 2022-2026
Projet ANR
Vasilis Dakos (PI), Detecting FISHeries productivity trajectories AT-RISK to abrupt shifts (FishAtRisk), 2022-2027
ANR project
Marie-Pierre Ledru (co-I), « What can a territory do in the face of the global Anthropocene crisis? Socio-environmental dynamics in the Brazilian semi-arid » (TASAB), 2022-2026
Institut Universitaire de France project
Pierre-Henri Fabre (PI), 2021-2026
Institut Universitaire de France project
Sébastien Puechmaille (PI), 2021-2026
Institut Universitaire de France project
Anna-Sophie Fiston-Lavier (PI), 2021-2026
MUSE Tremplin project
Jeanne Tonnabel (PI), The scope for sexual selection and mate choice in plants (SEXMATE), 2021-2023