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09/12/2024 à 14h

Soutenance de thèse

Betty Gimenez 

Studying variations in pollen signals from the Mediterranean vegetation and its key taxa: contribution of automated pollen analysis


Séminaire du Lundi

Corentin Bochaton, MaD team
The exploitation of turtles by Late Pleistocene/Holocene Hoabinhian hunter-gatherers in Thailand and Cambodia
Laurent Brémond, DEEP team
Past fire dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa during the last 25,000 years: Climate change and increasing human impacts

25/11/2024 à 9h30

Séminaire du Lundi

Lucas Buffan, PEM team
The fate of South America’s endemic mammalian fauna in response to the most dramatic Cenozoic climate transition.
Céline Robinet  PAL team
Past, present and future history and importance of our collections.

18/11/2024 à 9h30

Séminaire du Lundi

Elise Huchard, AE team
Why do baboons breed year-round? Insights from a multi-scale project

04/11/2024 à 9h30

Séminaire du Lundi

Ana Balcarcel, DBA team
Brain evolution in the domestic dog and its relationship to breed function and behavior

25/10/2024 à 14h

Soutenance de thèse

Hamilcar Keilani
Moteurs écologiques et évolutifs de la réponse à l’augmentation de l’aridité : approche empirique chez un rongeur africain

25/10/2024 à 13h

Soutenance de thèse

Arthur Naas
Investigating anatomical and behavioral diversity and convergences in tropical prehensile-tailed mammals (from the Neotropics and Papua New Guinea), an integrative approach

14/10/2024 à 9h30

Séminaire du Lundi

Oliver Kaltz, EEC team
Co-infection vs co-circulation: experimental epidemics with two parasites
Nicolas Bierne, BEM team
Genome diversity and evolution of a mussel transmissible cancer

07/10/2024 à 9h30

Séminaire du Lundi

Théo Deremarque, PhD student, AQUABIOS team
Tracking the spread of invasive host-parasite complexes using environmental DNA
Rachid Cheddadi, ExEn team
Come rain or come shine, the species richness will decline in the Moroccan mountains

30/09/2024 à 9h30

Séminaire du Lundi

An article by Sandrine Maurice, EvoDemo team
An article by Helena D’Cotta, Epoiss team

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