Les membres de l’ISEM produisent en moyenne chaque année plus de 300 articles scientifiques, 30 ouvrages et chapitres d’ouvrages et 20 thèses de doctorat.
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Mise à jour le 01/07/2024
Cette liste des publications a vocation à être complétée ultérieurement, notamment pour des références plus anciennes de thèses, HDR et certains articles et ouvrages
- Articles
Godinho, DP; Rodrigues, LR; Lefevre, S; Magalhães, S; Duncan, AB. 2024. Coinfection accelerates transmission to new hosts despite no effects on virulence and parasite growth. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379: 20230139.
- Articles
Gomez, RO; Ventura, T; Turazzini, GF; Marivaux, L; Andrade Flores, R; Boscaini, A; Fernandez-Monescillo, M; Mamani Quispe, B; Pramparo, MB; Fauquette, S; Martin, C; Münch, P; Pujos, F; Antoine, P-O. 2024. A new early Water Frog (Telmatobius) from the Miocene of the Bolivian Altiplano. Papers in Palaeontology 10(1): e1543.
- Articles
Gouzerh, F; Dormont, FL; Buatois, B; Herve, M; Mancini, M; Maraver, A; Thomas, F; Ganem, G. 2024. Partial role of volatile organic compounds in behavioral responses of mice to bedding from cancer-affected congeners. Biology Open: accepté.
- Articles
Gouzerh, F; Vigo, G; Dormont, L; Buatois, B; Hervé, MR; Mancini, M; Maraver, A; Thomas, F; Ganem, G. 2024. Urinary VOCs as biomarkers of early stage lung tumour development in mice. Cancer Biomarkers 39(2): 113-125.
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Gozlan, RE; Bommarito, C; Caballero-Huertas, M; Givens, J; Mortillaro, JM; Pepey, E; Ralaiarison, RP; Senff, P; Combe, M. 2024. A one-health approach to non-native species, aquaculture, and food security. Water Biology and Security: 100250.
- Articles
Günther, B; Bierne, N; Borsa, P; Perrin, C; Ripoll, O; Darbois, F; Arnaud-Haond, S. 2024. Citizen science approach for genetic species identification in a local French seafood speciality. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 35: 100823.
- Articles
Haddoumi, H; Guinot, G; Chennouf, R; Amakrane, J; Vianey-Liaud, M; Rossi, A; Mamoun, SM; Tabuce, R; Charrière, A. 2024. New fossiliferous sites from the mid-Cretaceous Tendrara dome (High Plateaus, Morocco): biostratigraphical, paleoenvironmental and paleogeographical implications. Cretaceous Research 161: 105908.
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Hammel, M; Touchard, F; Burioli, EAV; Paradis, L; Cerqueira, F; Chailler, E; Bernard, I; Cochet, H; Simon, A; Thomas, F; Destoumieux-Garzón, D; Charrière, GM; Bierne, N. 2024. Marine transmissible cancer navigates urbanized waters, threatening spillover. Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 291(2017): 20232541.
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Hansen, SP; Haran, JM; Johnson, SA; Hévin, NM-C; Addison, P. 2024. New data on an old pest complex: The status of Phlyctinus callosus Schönherr and Phlyctinus xerophilus haran (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in South Africa. African Entomology 32: e17422.
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Hévin, NM-C; Goldstein, PZ; Aduse-Poku, K; Barbut, J; Mitchell, A; Zilli, A; Clamens, A-L; Capdevielle-Dulac, C; Wahlberg, N; Le Ru, BP; Kergoat, GJ. 2024. Habitat opening fostered diversity: impact of dispersal and habitat-shifts in the evolutionary history of a speciose afrotropical insect group. Ecography: e07258.
- Articles
Hévin, NM-C; Kergoat, GJ; Zilli, A; Capdevielle-Dulac, C; Musyoka, BK; Sezonlin, M; Conlong, D; Van Den Berg, J; Ndemah, R; Le Gall, P; Cugala, D; Nyamukondiwa, C; Pallangyo, B; Njaku, M; Goftishu, M; Assefa, Y; Kandonda, OM; Bani, G; Molo, R; Chipabika, G; Ong’amo, G; Clamens, A-L; Barbut, J; Le Ru, B. 2024. Revisiting the taxonomy and molecular systematics of Sesamia stemborers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Apameini: Sesamiina): updated classification and comparative evaluation of species delimitation methods. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 82: 447-501.
- Articles
Hugonnot, V; Kučera, J; Ben Osman, I; Daoud-Bouattour, A; Muller, SD. 2024. Pterygoneurum sampaianum (Guim.) Guim.: range extension to Africa, first mentions in France, confirmation of specific status and improved morphological circumscription. Cryptogamie Bryologie: sous presse.
- Articles
Huijsmans, TERG; Courtiol, A; Van Soom, A; Smits, K; Rousset, F; Wauters, J; Hildebrandt, TB. 2024. Quantifying maternal investment in mammals using allometry. Communications Biology 7(1): 475.
- Articles
Jamonneau, T; Dahruddin, H; Limmon, G; Sukmono, T; Busson, F; Gani, NA; Patikawa, J; Wuniarto, E; Sauri, S; Nurhaman, U; Wowor, D; Steinke, D; Keith, P; Hubert, N. 2024. Jump dispersal drives the relationship between micro- and macroevolutionary dynamics in the Sicydiinae (Gobiiformes: Oxudercidae) of Sundaland and Wallacea. Journal of Evolutionary Biology: voae017.
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Jeanty, A; Ros, J; Mureau, C; Dham, C; Lecomte, C; Bonhomme, V; Ivorra, S; Figueiral, I; Bouby, L; Evin, A. 2024. Identification of archaeological barley grains using geometric morphometrics and experimental charring. Journal of Archaeological Science 162: 105924.
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Jouault, C; Condamine, F; Legendre, F; Perrichot, V. 2024. The Angiosperm Terrestrial Revolution buffered ants against extinction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 121(13): e2317795121.
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Jouault, C; Condamine, FL; Legendre, F; Perrichot, V. 2024. Reply to Vermeij: Challenges and opportunities in macroevolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 121(26): e2408795121.
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Jouault, C; Engel, MS. 2024. A new species of dustywings (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber. Palaeoentomology 7(1): 72-75.
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Jouault, C; Nam, G-S; Boderau, M; Kwon, S-H; Nel, A. 2024. A new Triassic Tettigarctidae (Insecta, Hemiptera) from the Amisan Formation (Republic of Korea). Palaeoentomology 7(1): 132-140.
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Jouault, C; Nel, A. 2024. New evanioid wasps (Hymenoptera: Evaniidae; Praeaulacidae) from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber.. Annales de Paléontologie 110(2): 102662.
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Kalhor, R; Beslon, G; Lafond, M; Scornavacca, C. 2024. A Rigorous Framework to Classify the Post-Duplication Fate of Paralogous Genes. Journal of Computational Biology: sous presse.
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Kaniewski, D; Marriner, N; Terral, J-F; Morhange, C; Chen, Z; Wang, Y; Otto, T; Luce, F; Cheddadi, R. 2024. Holocene palaeoecological archives of Eastern Mediterranean plant diversity: past, present and future trends. Anthropocene 45: 100430.
- Articles
Kéfi, S; Génin, A; Garcia-Mayor, A; Guirado, E; Cabral, JS; Berdugo, M; Guerber, J; Solé, R; Maestre, FT. 2024. Self-organization as a mechanism of resilience in dryland ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 121(6): e2305153121.
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Kunz, JA; Falkner, SS; Aprilinayati, F; Duvot, GJ; Fröhlich, M; Willems, EP; Atmoko, SSU; van Schaik, CP; Schuppli, C; van Noordwijk, MA. 2024. Play Behavior Varies with Age, Sex, and Socioecological Context in Wild, Immature Orangutans (Pongo spp.). International Journal of Primatology: 1-35.
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Lamkhalkhal, A; Selfati, M; Rahmouni, I; Kaddouri, N; Badaoui, B; Pariselle, A; Benhoussa, A; Kovačić, M; Kmentova, N; Vanhove, MPM; Bazairi, H. 2024. The black goby Gobius niger Linnaeus, 1758 in the Marchica lagoon (Alboran Sea, Morocco): Spatial-temporal distribution and its environmental drivers, and the site-related footprint. Mediterranean Marine Science 25: 749-764.
- Articles
Larrieu, M; Vaschalde, C; Kotarba, J; Puig, C; Ros, J. 2024. Forest exploitation in the plains of early medieval northern Catalonia: Anthracological review. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 320: 104993.
- Articles
Laugier, F; Saclier, N; Béthune, K; Braun, A; Konecny, L; Lefébure, T; Luquet, E; Plénet, S; Romiguier, J; David, P. 2024. Both nuclear and cytoplasmic polymorphisms are involved in genetic conflicts over male fertility in the gynodioecious snail, Physa acuta. Evolution: qpae053.
- Articles
Leclerc, J-C; Gonzalez, M; Pezy, J-P; Raoux, A; Crec'hriou, R; Broudin, C; Houbin, C; Migné, A; Loisel, S; Sevin, L; Coudret, J; Davoult, D; Charbonnelle, M; Valerdi, J-B; Schlicklin, F; Van Paemelen, R; Humbert, S; Massé, C; Viard, F; Filbee-Dexter, K; Wernberg, T; Thiébaut, E. 2024. Multi-scale patterns in the structure of fish and fouling communities associated with seaweeds in marinas. Marine Ecology Progress Series: sous presse.
- Articles
Lee, SB; Li, Y-D; Cai, C; Engel, MS; Nam, GS; Park, JK; Nel, A; Shaw, JJ; Jouault, C; Legalov, A; Kundrata, R. 2024. Cretaceous beetles of the Jinju Formation (Coleoptera): An overview of the Jinju Formation, its coleopteran diversity, and past and future research. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 27(2): 102236.
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Li , Q; Chan, Y-B; Galtier, N; Scornavacca, C. 2024. The Effect of Copy Number Hemiplasy on Gene Family Evolution. Systematic Biology: syae007.