Les membres de l’ISEM produisent en moyenne chaque année plus de 300 articles scientifiques, 30 ouvrages et chapitres d’ouvrages et 20 thèses de doctorat.
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Mise à jour le 01/07/2024
Cette liste des publications a vocation à être complétée ultérieurement, notamment pour des références plus anciennes de thèses, HDR et certains articles et ouvrages
- Articles
Chase, BM; Boom, A; Carr, AS; Reimer, PJ. 2024. Tropical forcing and ENSO dominate Holocene climates in South Africa's southern Cape. Quaternary Science Reviews 330: 108563.
- Articles
Cheddadi, R; Kaniewski, D; Marriner, N; Bar-Hen, A; Hurteau, MD. 2024. Come rain or come shine, the species richness will decline in the Moroccan mountains. Global Ecology and Conservation 52: e02986.
- Articles
Chen, C; Huang, K; Xie, D; Man, M; Tang, Y; Yue, Y; Zhang, X; Zheng, Z; Cheddadi, R. 2024. Subalpine peatland development since the Last Glacial Maximum in subtropical China: Predominantly controlled by monsoonal climate and local topography. Catena 242: 108084.
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Cherepanov, S; Heitzmann, L; Fontanaud, P; Duvoid-Guillou, A; Galibert, E; Campos, P; Mollard, P; Martin, AO. 2024. Prolactin blood concentration relies on the scalability of the TIDA neurons’ network efficiency in vivo. Iscience 27(6): 109876.
- Articles
Claret, J-L; Di-Liegro, M; Namias, A; Assogba, B; Makoundou, P; Koffi, A; Pennetier, C; Weill, M; Milesi, P; Labbé, P. 2024. Despite structural identity, ace-1 heterogenous duplication resistance alleles are quite diverse in Anopheles mosquitoes. Heredity 132(4): 179-191.
- Articles
Combe, M; Cherif, E; Deremarque, T; Rivera-Ingraham, G; Seck-Thiam, F; Justy, F; Doudou, J-C; Carod, J-F; Carage, T; Procureur, A; Gozlan, RE. 2024. Wastewater sequencing as a powerful tool to reveal SARS-CoV-2 variant introduction and spread in French Guiana, South America. Science of the Total Environment 924: 171645.
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Da Cunha, L; Fabre, P-H; Hautier, L. 2024. Springhares, flying and flightless scaly-tailed squirrels (Anomaluromorpha, Rodentia) are the squirrely mouse: comparative anatomy of the masticatory musculature and its implications on the evolution of hystricomorphy in rodents. Journal of Anatomy: 1-29.
- Articles
Danet, A; Bautista, S; Génin, A; Beckerman, AP; Anthelme, F; Kéfi, S. 2024. Species diversity promotes facilitation under stressful conditions. Oikos: e10303.
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Díaz-Arce, N; Gagnaire, P-A; Richardson, DE; Walter III, JF; Arnaud-Haond, S; Fromentin, J-M; Brophy, D; Lutcavage, M; Addis, P; Alemany, F; Allman, R; Deguara, S; Fraile, I; Goni, N; Hanke, AR; Karakulak, FS; Pacicco, A; Quattro, JM; Rooker, JR; Arrizabalaga, H; Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, N. 2024. Unidirectional trans-Atlantic gene flow and a mixed spawning area shape the genetic connectivity of Atlantic bluefin tuna. Molecular Ecology 33(1): e17188.
- Articles
Dirnberger, M; Bauer, E; Reichenbacher, B. 2024. A new freshwater gobioid from the Lower Miocene of Turkey in a significantly amended total evidence phylogenetic framework. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 22(1): 2340498.
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Dominguez-Garcia, V; Kéfi, S. 2024. The structure and robustness of ecological networks with two interaction types. PLoS Computational Biology 20(1): e1011770.
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Dominguez, C; Savoie, J-M; Ros, J; Fleurat-Lessard, F; Wibaut, T; Guillaume, M; Puig, C; Savarese, L. 2024. Point d’étape sur les expérimentations archéologiques d’ensilage en Roussillon. Archéo 66, Bulletin de l'AAPO 2023 38: 147-155.
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Dominguez, P; Speciale, C; Bentaleb, I. 2024. Introduction to the Research Collection “Mediterranean Biocultural Diversity”.. Human Ecology: 1-3.
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Dopman, EB; Shaw, KL; Servedio, MR; Butlin, R; Smadja, CM. 2024. Coupling of barriers to gene exchange: Causes and consequences. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology: a041432.
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Dufour, P; Crochet, P-A; Condamine, FL; Lavergne, S. 2024. Seasonal migration and the evolution of an inverse latitudinal diversity gradient in shorebirds. Global Ecology and Biogeography 33(5): e13817.
- Articles
El Amane, S; Imbert, E; Rahou, A. 2024. A Comparative Analysis of Ethnobotanical Use of Medicinal Plants by Herbalists and Cooperatives in 3 Contrasting Provinces of Morocco. Egyptian Journal of Botany 64(2): 727-743..
- Articles
Erlichman, A; Sandell, L; Otto, SP; Aitken, SN; Ronce, O. 2024. Planting long-lived trees in a warming climate: theory shows the importance of stage-dependent climatic tolerance. Evolutionary Applications 17(6): e13711.
- Articles
Faith, JT; Chase, BM; Pargeter, J. 2024. The Last Glacial Maximum climate at Boomplaas Cave, South Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 329: 108557.
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Faurie, C; Alvergne, A; Cheng, D; Duflos, CE, L.; Ferreira, R; Raat, H; Valsecchi, V; Pilotto, A; Baker, GP, M.M.; Pers, Y-M. 2024. Can pain be self-managed? Pain change in vulnerable participants to a health education programme. International Journal of Health Planning and Management: on-line.
- Articles
Feichtinger, I; Pollerspöck, J; Harzhauser, M; Auer, G; Kranner, M; Coric, S; Beaury, B; Guinot, G. 2024. Earliest Danian outer neritic elasmobranch assemblages reveal an environmentally controlled faunal turnover at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary in the northern Tethyan Realm (Austria). Papers in Palaeontology 10(1): e1547.
- Articles
Feichtinger, I; Pollerspöck, J; Harzhauser, M; Auer, G; Kranner, M; Guinot, G. 2024. Elasmobranch assemblages from a bathyal environment spanning the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in Austria. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 117: 1-10.
- Articles
Fournier, F; Semmani, N; Lettéron, A; Suc, J-P; Tosal, A; Fauquette, S; Séranne, M; Popescu, S-M; Melinte-Dobrinescu, MC; Borgomano, J. 2024. Les climats et la géographie du Sud-Est de la France au Paléogène enregistrés dans les lacs. Géochronique 169: 51-55.
- Articles
Frigola-Tepe, X; Pérez-Bielsa, N; Caballero-Huertas, M; Ollé-Vilanova, J; Muñoz, M; Viñas, J. 2024. A new threat to Sardina pilchardus in the northwestern Mediterranean: Genetic validation of the presence of lethal parasites in pelagic eggs and ovaries. Mediterranean Marine Science 25(1): 151-159.
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Fronhofer, EA; Bonte, D; Bestion, E; Cote, J; Deshpande, JN; Duncan, AB; Hovestadt, T; Kaltz, O; Keith, S; Kokko, H; Legrand, D; Malusare, SP; Parmentier, T; Saade, C; Schtickzelle, N; Zilio, G; Massol, F. 2024. Evolutionary ecology of dispersal in biodiverse spatially structured systems: what is old and what is new?. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379(1907): 20230142.
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Fuks, D; Schmidt, F; García-Collado, MI; Besseiche, M; Payne, N; Bosi, G; Bouchaud, C; Castiglioni, E; Dabrowski, V; Frumin, S; Fuller, DQ; Hovsepyan, R; Muthukumaran, S; Peña-Chocarro, L; Pérez Jordá, G; Ros, J; Rottoli, M; Ryan, P; Spengler, R; Stevens, CJ; Valamoti, SM; Weiss, E; Alexander, M; Gros-Balthazard, M. 2024. Orphan crops of archaeology-based crop history research. Plants, People, Planet: 1-28.
- Articles
Galas, S; Le Goff, E; Cazevieille, C; Tanaka, A; Cuq, P; Baghdiguian, S; Kunieda, T; Godefroy, N; Richaud, M. 2024. A comparative ultrastructure study of the tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus in the hydrated state, after desiccation and during the process of rehydration. PLoS ONE 19(6): e0302552.
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Galtier, N. 2024. Half a Century of Controversy: The Neutralist/Selectionist Debate in Molecular Evolution. Genome Biology and Evolution 16(2): evae003.
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Galtier, N. 2024. An approximate likelihood method reveals ancient gene flow between human, chimpanzee and gorilla. Peer Community Journal 4: e3.
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Gernelle, K; Billet, G; Gheerbrant, E; Godinot, M; Marandat, B; Ladevèze, S; Tabuce, R. 2024. Taxonomy and evolutionary history of peradectids (Metatheria): new data from the early Eocene of France. Journal of Mammalian Evolution: sous presse.
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Gimenez, B; Joannin, S; Pasquet, J; Beaufort, L; Gally, Y; de Garidel-Thoron, T; Combourieu-Nebout, N; Bouby, L; Canal, S; Ivorra, S; Limier, B; Terral, J-F; Devaux, C; Peyron, O. 2024. A user-friendly method to get automated pollen analysis from environmental samples. New Phytologist: on-line.