HomeISEM member > Christophe Petit

Christophe Petit

Université de Montpellier

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My activity

My research falls within the framework of the conservation of an endemic Corso-Sardinian species, Brassica insularis (Brassicaceae). Monitoring of demographic dynamics and genetic diversity in this species started in 1999 in four Corsican populations. The main objective of this program is the long-term monitoring of populations. Demographic monitoring is annual, and genetic monitoring every ten-years. The originality of this work is to associate, in the long term, genetic and demographic data within the framework of a conservation biology study. These studies are currently funded by the OSU OREME, which promotes long-term monitoring studies of Mediterranean species. Soon, I will participate in the long-term monitoring of alpine populations of another threatened species, Eryngium alpinum (Apiaceae), which is vulnerable to the temporal and spatial variation of pastoral practices.

Keywords :

Conservation – Biodiversity – Demography – Brassica insularis

Responsabilities :

– co-responsible for the 2nd year of the Biology-Ecology (BE) Bachelor degree
– co-responsible for the Master in Mediation, Communication, Culture in Sciences (MédiACCES) at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Montpellier