HomeISEM member > Lucas Fertin

Lucas Fertin

Advanced research assistant IR

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My activity

Research engineer in agronomy and rural development at CIRAD, I am specialized in the design of tropical aquaculture systems. The main research object is the design of the integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system. This work is carried out using methods inspired by the approach of coactive search for solutions (1). My current mission is to lead the research work of the family commercial fish farming development project in Guinea Conakry (2), a project implemented by the APDRA Pisciculture Paysanne (3).
We work jointly in groups made up of actors in the development of peasant fish farming (technicians, producers and researchers) to identify research questions, track down innovative practices, set up the experiments and jointly validate the achievements.

(1) Darré, J. P. (2006). The co-active search for solutions between development agents and farmers. Ed. Du GRET.
(2) The goal of the PisCoFam project is to increase, in a sustainable manner and adapted to different agro-ecological contexts, the production of fish and associated rice as well as their local consumption in rural areas of Guinea. The 5-year project is funded by AFD.
(3) APDRA Pisciculture Paysanne is a non-profit international solidarity association that supports the development of peasant fish farming in Southern countries.

Keywords :

Aquaculture – Multitrophic – R&D – System – Conception