Céline Devaux
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My activity
My main research projects combine modelling, experiment and observations in natural populations to better understand reproductive strategies of entomophilous plant populations and species: specifically, I study the effects of pollinators and climate change on morphological and phenological traits, and selfing rates; this approach, firmly embedded into quantitative genetics, allows integrate details about the genetic architecture of floral traits and multivariate selection.
Because of my recent studies on Noccaea caerulescens, a species that can grow on soil polluted by heavy metals and pollinated by generalist pollinators, I am starting new projects on the effects of heavy metals on plant-pollinator networks (using deep-learning) and on selfing rates at a very fine spatial scale.
My other projects deal with sympatric speciation in palm trees and laterality in leaf-cutting ants.
I teach statistics for biologists at all levels at the University of Montpellier, including the Master MEME. I sporadically teach fundamentals of quantitative genetics to master students.