Fatima-Ezzahra Badri
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My activity
My doctoral work is entitled “Agriculture and forest landscapes exploited in the medieval Haouz: interdisciplinary approach at Aghmat”. This work aims to enlighten the agrarian and forestry systems used by the people of Aghmat during the last millennium, and to document their evolution in the face of socio-economic and climatic variations. My aim is to characterize the changes in the relationship between societies and their agrosystems in the face of fluctuating anthropic pressures (adaptation of the agrobiodiversity exploited to new constraints, introduction of new practices, changes in the use of cultivated soils and exploited woodlands). My work is carried out by means of different approaches: archaeobotanical (carpology, anthracology), biometric (traditional and geometric morphometry on seeds), and geochemical (stable isotopes of archaeological seeds).