HomeISEM member > Frédéric Veyrunes

Frédéric Veyrunes


Membre de :

My activity

My research interests centre on the evolution of sex chromosomes and sex determination in mammals. I identify the evolutionary forces behind changes in the chromosomal architecture of the genome and study the causes and consequences of the emergence of new sex determination systems. More specifically, I am working on the atypical sex determinisms of the African pygmy mice (Mus, Nannomys). The chromosomal diversity within this group (XY females, XO males, multiple neo-sex chromosomes) and their close phylogenetic relatedness with the lab mouse offer a unique model in mammals. I try to make connections between the nature of the genes involved in the X and Y chromosome rearrangements (cytogenomics / genomics), their mode of evolution (molecular genetics / transcriptomics), the structure of populations (phylogeny / population genetics) and the phenotypic correlates (behaviour / functional genetics).

Keywords :

Sex chromosome – Sex determination – African pygmy mice – Mus minutoides – Cytogenomics

Responsabilities :

– Coordinator of the Sex & Speciation team at ISEM
– Scientific Manager of the CytoEvol facility at ISEM
– Coordinator of the Animal Welfare Structure at ISEM
– Member of the Topic Editorial Board of the journal Genes