Home > ISEM member > Emilio Mora
Emilio Mora
Postdoctoral fellow
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My activity
I am a biologist and my research focuses on the ecology of agriculture, in particular on the local and spatial interactions and dynamics of potential agricultural pests. Currently, as a postdoctoral researcher at ISEM, I am working with Dr. Vasilis Dakos to develop mathematical models that analyze the relationships between facilitation and intraguild predation and its effects on the biological control of populations. As part of the EnemyCocktail project, we are collaborating with researchers from CBGP and Biobest to understand theoretically and experimentally how natural enemies modify the persistence of herbivores, with a view to providing clues to biological control practices in closed systems such as greenhouses.
Keywords :
Intraguild Predation – Biocontrol – Dynamical modelling – Agroecology