HomeISEM member > Guillaume Martin

Guillaume Martin


Membre de :

My activity

I study the evolutionary and demographic dynamics of populations out of equilibrium, in response to environmental stress(es, via mathematical modelling and experimental evolution. While my general interest lies in adaptation dynamics and evolutionary rescue, I focus mainly on asexuals, facing chemical treatment (antibiotics, fungicides, herbicides, anti-cancer drugs etc.) or biotic stress (predation, immunity, pathogens).

  • I use phenotype-fitness adaptive landscapes (Fisher’s geometrical model) to model the relationship between genotypes and fitness across environmental conditions. I use continuous trait genetics to model (epistatic) fitness component dynamics in space and time.
  • Experimentally, I use fluoro-luminometry: marked E.coli cells (fluorescent + luminescent) are monitored in real-time in a multi-mode plate reader and incubator. The stresses imposed can be antibiotics, essential oils, lytic phages, unicellular predators. I try to impose dynamic stresses as much as possible: pharmacodynamics, biotic stress.

Keywords :

Fisher’s geometric model – Evolutionary rescue – Mutation – Dynamics of adaptation – Experimental evolution

Responsabilities :

– Associate Editor for GENETICS (« Theoretical Population Genetics » Section) (2021- 2023)
– Teaching: modelling and evolutionary biology at the Master’s level (Masters DARWIN and MEME, Montpellier University, ~10 to 30h / year)