Marie Lelièvre
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My activity
I am a doctoral student at the Physical and Environmental Geography Laboratory (GEOLAB) in Clermont-Ferrand, France. My research focuses on the agrobiodiversity and genetic diversity of cereals between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age (4200 – 800 BC) north of the Alps, by studying samples taken by the DRASSM from ancient lakeside settlements in Savoie and Haute-Savoie (France).
I carry out archaeobotanical sorting and identification of the seeds and fruit species preserved in the samples, either carbonized or waterlogged (preserved in a humid environment). Part of the samples are studied in a clean room at the PALEOLAB laboratory (INRAE Clermont-Ferrand), and the plant remains are subjected to a paleogenetic study (the genetic analysis of ancient DNA preserved in the biological remains of the past) by INRAE paleogeneticists. I compare their results with my archaeological data to understand the agronomic practices of the past and their relationship with current climate issues.