HomeISEM member > Sonia Kéfi

Sonia Kéfi

Senior researcher

Membre de :

My activity

I am an ecologist interested in ecosystem complexity and how the architecture of ecological systems drives emergent properties such as stability and resilience. I combine theoretical models and data analysis from various ecosystems to address these questions. My research aims at contributing to the fundamental understanding of stability and resilience of natural systems, but also has goals in application, and in particular, in the development of practical tools to better anticipate ecosystem responses to future environmental change.

Keywords :

Ecosystems – Stability – Catastrophic shifts – Ecological networks – Facilitation

Responsabilities :

– Chair of the department CHANGE at ISEM (since 2020)
– External professor at the Santa Fe Institute (Santa Fe, NM, USA; since 2020)
– Co-direction of the CNRS research group ‘TheoMoDive’ (Theory and Modeling of Biodiversity) with E. Fronhofer (since 2022)
– Member of the ISEM scientific committee (since 2020)
– Member of the Network Science Society board (since 2023)
– Member of the steering committee of the CNRS research group ‘Ecologie Statistique’ (Statistical Ecology; since 2014)