Home > ISEM member > Claire Gougat-Barbera
Claire Gougat-Barbera
Research assistant AI
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My activity
I work in the department ‘Change’, 80 % of the time in the ‘Experimental Evolution of Communities’ (EEC) team and 20 % in the ‘Biodiversity: dynamics, interactions and conservation’ team. I help design and implement experiments and protocols in the EEC team. I work mostly on projects looking at protist (Paramecium, Tetrahymena) dispersal in metapopulations, on adaptation of protist or bacterial communities across stress gradients (temperature or salinity) and host-parasite coevolution (in the Paramecium caudatum – bacterial parasite Holospora undulata model system). I also participate in field experiments looking at facilitation between plants in the BIODICEE team.
Keywords :
Experimental evolution – Microbiology – Dispersal – Microcosm