Brian Chase
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My activity
Primary research themes:
1) The development of fossilised rock hyrax middens as new palaeoenvironmental archive.
2) Studies of sediment cores from coastal wetlands in South Africa.
3) The development of pdf-based botanical-climatological transfer functions to derive quantitative estimates of palaeoclimatic parameters from palaeobotanical datasets.
4) Statistical methods for time -series and spatial analyses that improve the reliability and interpretations of individual records, and the combination and comparison of records.
5) Methods for data-model comparison that maximise the potential to infer the dynamical processes responsible for the environmental processes observed in the fossil record.
6) The assessment of the impact of past climate change on the development of the Cape Floristic Region.
7) The assessment of the impact of past environmental change on the development of early modern humans.
Keywords :
Responsabilities :
– Honorary Professor, Department of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, The University of Cape Town
– Director of AFQUA; The African Quaternary / Environments, Ecology and Humans
– Editorial Board member of Quaternary Science Advances
– Editorial Board member of Quaternary International