Christine Bibal
Membre de :
- Google Scholar
- Site perso
- Research Gate
My activity
In charge of the Documentation platform, with the mission of providing a wide-ranging service for accessing and sharing scientific information by :
– enhancing the value of the unit’s scientific output through the collation and bibliometric analysis of scientific publications
– supporting research teams in Open Access publishing and raising awareness of the challenges of Open Access and Open Archives
– assisting researchers in depositing their publications in the HAL national archive, and harmonizing metadata within the unit’s HAL collection as HAL ISEM referent
– participation in the DAFNEE (Database of Academia Friendly jourNals in Ecology and Evolution) working group
– management and conservation of the local and national library collection, in partnership with the Montpellier Inter-University Library
– training courses, personalized support in the use of documentary resources, and monitoring and communication on Open Science issues and practices.